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abylon LOCAL-USER Current Version: 2025.1

One-click application to create local user accounts for Windows. (Product group: Freeware)

Since Windows 10, Microsoft recommends the use of online accounts for the operating system logon. In the same wake, creating locally stored user accounts is becoming more and more cumbersome. Nevertheless, there are also good reasons for using a local offline account. With the software abylon LOCAL-USER, local user accounts can be created with one click. Home users with workgroup computers can use our tool for free. Companies in the domain environment are charged a small fee.

Supported operating systems: 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 32-Bit, 64-Bit
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Price (commercial version): 25,00
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  • Easy creation of local Windows user accounts
  • User name and password freely definable
  • Local users with or without admin rights
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Windows User Management Software for creating local Windows users

Microsoft online account versus local offline account

In the recent past, Microsoft has been pushing the use of online accounts on its Windows operating system. On Windows 10, it is still possible to use a local offline account. Since local accounts are not necessarily desired by Microsoft, creating them is not necessarily easy for the user. For example, during the Windows 10 installation, this option is only displayed when the computer is not connected to the Internet. Only after disconnecting from the network can the user create a local offline account.

Microsoft online account

A Microsoft account is required for an online profile under Windows. Anyone who has already used Hotmail, Outlook.com, Skype or an Xbox is already in possession of a Microsoft account. With this, a corresponding online user can also be created for Windows. For all those who do not yet have such a Microsoft account, the possibility to create one is offered on the Internet or at the appropriate place during the Windows installation. In contrast to an offline account, an online account uses the e-mail address as the login name for logging on to the operating system. The email address is thereby world-wide unique, whereby apart from Microsoft own services (Hotmail.com, Live.com, Outlook.com) also addresses of other providers (GMX.de, Gmail.com, ...) can be used. The advantage of Microsoft online accounts are that settings can be synchronized between individual computers and that other Microsoft services (OneDrive, Xbox, Office or Cortana) can be used automatically without having to log in again. It is also possible to download paid apps from the Microsoft Store. However, this convenience has the disadvantage that all data is stored centrally on Microsoft servers.

Local offline account

As with older Windows versions, the local user account under Windows 10 also logs you in to Windows with your user name and password. Even with Windows 10, the operating system can be used as usual with a local user account, such as installing programs or making settings. When using multiple computers with the same user name/password combination, access via the network is also possible without logging in again. However, all settings must be made manually on all computers. The use of the Windows Store is only possible to a limited extent. Starting with Windows 10 Pro, only free apps can be downloaded and installed from the store. If you want to use paid apps or other Windows services (e.g. OneDrive), you have to log in with a Microsoft online account.

Windows Account Conclusion

If Microsoft has its way, every Windows user should only use their online user account. As described, both account types have their advantages and disadvantages. It should be up to the user to decide whether to choose an online or offline account and not be taken over by a provider. Thus, those who do not want to do without a certain amount of privacy should opt for an offline account. For those who use Microsoft services more often and do not want to do without the synchronization of settings between different devices, an online account is the better choice.

Tip for easy Windows login

The more complex the password used for his Windows account, the more secure the login. However, in order not to have to enter the long and cryptic number-letter combination every time when logging in or unlocking the computer, who can also resort to another software product from abylonsoft. The software abylon LOGON or abylon LOGON Business handles the Windows login with automatic password entry by using a hardware key. The logon software supports both local and online user accounts for the Windows operating system.

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