Request free license key for abylon LOGON 25 (Adv. - PRIVAT VERSION)!

Request registration data

To register the software abylon LOGON 25 (Adv. - PRIVAT VERSION) about the source 01/2025 you only have to fill out this form and send it.

After that the matching registration data will be sent to the given email address!

CAUTION: The registration data received herewith is only valid for the special covermount (source: " 01/2025")!

You still have 500 characters for your message!

Further offers

>> Software-Hardware-Package << save up to 20% compared to the single prices!

Card-Reader OK 3021

Package 1: OMNIKEY CardMan 3021 USB

Package 1 consists of the following products:

Card-Reader OK 5321

Package 3: OMNIKEY CardMan 5321 USB

Package 3 consists of the following products:

This discount offer of the company abylonsoft is valid for offer requests via our Hardware-Formular. There you will also find more Hardware offers from abylonsoft.

22 Comments - » Enter comment directly

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Avatar from ives bley #1155

ives bley -  

muito bom mesmo obrigado

Avatar from O. J. Pratt #1144

O. J. Pratt -  

Your program is excellent!!

Avatar from Daniel #712

Daniel -  

----- Also, I was wondering what you can tell me about these hardware items I see that you offer as well. Please email me back and inform me about these products!!!
Thanks Again!

Avatar of abylonsoft support #712


Email goes to you with the following content:
We offer smart cards and RFID tokens and the associated card readers. These hardware keys are primarily used for Windows logon with our software abylon LOGON and abylon LOGON Business. We are always available for specific questions.

Avatar from vanman #666

vanman -  

Why do I need the internet when I unlock the program??

Avatar of abylonsoft support #666


We check if the license key is locked.

Avatar from ANDREAS #651


Thank you very much !!!

Avatar of abylonsoft support #651


You are welcome. We are glad if the software is needed and used.

Avatar from Josue Vazquez Garcia #626

Josue Vazquez Garcia -  

gracias por todo

Avatar of abylonsoft support #626


De nada.

Avatar from kagetsu #624

kagetsu -  

This is not fake! Thank you for the giveaway!

Avatar of abylonsoft support #624


We try to be fair and offer our software through our partners really as a free version without function restriction. We also do not collect any data (real name does not have to be given) and only those who want to can subscribe to the newsletter. In addition, the use is NOT limited in time.
The following restrictions apply to the free versions:
- The installation of the setup is time limited
- No free update is offered (but you get a discount if you enter the 3rd part of the license key as a coupon code during the order)

Avatar from Lolix #623

Lolix -  

Thx 4 the giveaway! Smiley smile

Avatar of abylonsoft support #623


You're welcome!

Avatar from Viktor #580

Viktor -  

Thank you for this free software.

Avatar of abylonsoft support #580


Note: The software was offered for free to home users via GiveawayOfTheDay on October 26!

Avatar from win3 #572

win3 -  

Thanks a lot for the offer, but please don't use Giveaway of the Day in the future. They usually require the user to download their own installer which connects to the internet (which is a privacy concern) and won't install the giveaway except for one day only (for example, you'd lose your giveaway if you had to restore or re-install Windows).
In the future, you can ask them to use your provided installer unmodified. Some other developers do that.
Alternatively, you can use which is a good site.

Avatar of abylonsoft support #572


Hi Win3!
It makes sense that the registration is only valid for a limited time. Just look at it from the perspective of the software developers.
If you are afraid of data loss, you should create a complete image of your system and update it regularly. In the event of a hard drive failure or similar, you only need to import the image again and you will have your old status, even with licensed software.
By the way, we also offer our software more often through other channels like SharewareOnSale or BitsDuJour.
Just check our offers page regularly.

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