abylon UAC-GRABBER Current Version: 2025.1

Comfort gain and constant security when calling programs with individual user account control (Product group: Apps & Tools)

To increase security against malware, Microsoft has introduced User Account Control in Windows Vista and later. The user (including the administrator) must confirm a security dialog when starting the program. This is intended to prevent the unwanted execution of programs with administrative rights and thus guarantee system integrity. However, the confirmation prompt is also displayed if you deliberately call a known program via a desktop icon or the start menu. The software abylon UAC-GRABBER allows you to start the program without further inquiry if the Windows security concept is still activated. The programs can be called by means of special desktop icons or starting from Windows 8 and 10 over the tray icon with alternative start menu. For quick access, frequently used programs can be placed in the Favorites folder. The internal autostart folder allows programs to be started automatically with admin rights when the system is booted or when logging in.

Supported operating systems: 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 32-Bit, 64-Bit
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  • Individual start of programs in administrative context without query
  • NEW Automatic start and Favorites folder
  • The Windows security concept (UAC: User Account Control) remains unchanged
  • Runs under Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10
  • Provides an alternative start menu for Windows 8 and later
  • Neu In some of our applications (e.g. Logon, WLAN scanner, Keysafe, etc.) acoustic signals are emitted for certain actions. These have been optimized by ... All new features (version history)

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User account control Opens programs in administrative context without Windows security question dialog

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Award 5 stars

Downloadmix-Berwertungen: Redaktion: 10 / Nutzer: 9
Downloadmix-Berwertungen: Redaktion: 10 / Nutzer: 9

Windows 7 kompatibel
Windows 7 kompatibel

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Avatar from marlowe #930

marlowe -  

The easiest way should be to place the corresponding program in the autostart area of our abylon UAC-GRABBER.
How do you place a program in the autostart area?

Avatar of abylonsoft support #930


Simply select the "Autostart" entry in the tree and select the desired application via the "Add shortcuts" icon at the top!

Avatar from Gloops #929

Gloops -  

I should say the same as Bruce about Microsoft's UAC mechanism: it works, but I do not like the user interface.
Probably your program would be useful, provided you say what it does.

Avatar of abylonsoft support #929


Hi Gloops,
In short words. The software abylon UAC-GRABBER can take over the confirmation of the Windows user account control for a selected application. This is possible e.g. by creating special desktop icons or also a program-internal autostart.
For further questions, just contact us.

Avatar from Robert G. #456

Robert G. -  

Dear Sir or Madam,
Although I haven't fully explored it, I so far think your program is very useful.
However, I'm assuming this program won't help me to avoid UAC prompts when launching programs from the command line, right?
I would really love that feature!

Avatar of abylonsoft support #456


Hi Robert,
why you want to launch a program per command line?

The easiest way should be to place the corresponding program in the autostart area of our abylon UAC-GRABBER.

If you still want to call by command line, this should be done as follows:


As an example:
C:\Program Files\abylonsoft\UAC Grabber\UACGrabberX64.EXE "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Computer Management.lnk" /TRYEXECUTEASADMIN

A hint: Simply create a corresponding link on the desktop and look in the properties of the link under "target".

Avatar from Sherman #412

Sherman -  

Hi, In you Features you say Runs on Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1
You hint in one of your responses that "Otherwise, the Start-menu is only back in Windows 10 and not everyone has updated."
Does it run on WIN10 32 & 64 bit?

Avatar of abylonsoft support #412


The software abylon UAC-GRABBER also works under Windows 10 32 and 64 Bit. The "alternative" start menu is offered via our tray icon and is of course available under all supported operating systems.

I've updated the information.

Avatar from M. Ali #185

M. Ali -  

This is a very good product.

Avatar from Adelio  #182

Adelio -  

I wish to spend testing your software

Avatar of abylonsoft support #182


Feedback are welcome ^o^

Avatar from Bharath  #181

Bharath -  

Good and helpful software...

Avatar of abylonsoft support #181


thank you

Avatar from proffesor1 #180

proffesor1 -  

Will Give This My Best Shot.

Avatar from Dennis #179

Dennis -  

Thank you, not much is free in life anymore, it nice to see that some companies are caring to supply free products.

Avatar of abylonsoft support #179


Yes, free for private-use...

Avatar from ABDELLAH  #178


thank you so much

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