abylon READER Current Version: 25.10.6

Encryption with abylonsoft software is not a one-way street! The free READER version allows to decrypt and/or verify signed, encrypted or SME files. (Product group: Freeware)

The software abylon READER is the free addition to the abylonsoft programs abylon BASIC, abylon ENTERPRISE and abylon CRYPTMAIL. This allows signed, encrypted or SME files to be opened on third-party computers without the recipient having to purchase a license. Of course, this is only possible if the corresponding password is known or if the hardware key or certificate is available. Standardized files with the following file extensions (Symmetrical Encryption: CR2 / Asymmetrical Encryption: CRP, PK7, P7M, VSP7, ASC, TBE / Signed) are currently being processed: P7M, VSP7, TBS, SGN / Digital Envelope file: SME) is supported. The functions are offered as PlugIn simply via the menu of the MS File Explorer (right mouse button).
An encryption and signature is not possible with the software abylon READER. With problems and questions to the operation see also the FAQ's and support inquiries!

Supported operating systems: 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 32-Bit, 64-Bit
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Free for private and commercial use
Reselling not allowed


  • Intelligent Plug-In for Windows File Explorer
  • abylon CRYPT-ASSISTERS to open, decrypt or verify files
  • Decrypt symmetrically encrypted CR2 files (Blowfish and AES algorithm / Requirement: Password is known!)
  • Decryption of asymmetrically encrypted CRP, PK7, P7M, VSP7, ASC, TBE files (PKCS standard according to RSA / Requirement: Private key of certificate exists!)
  • Verification of signed P7M, VSP7, TBS, SGN files (PKCS standard according to RSA)
  • Decrypting and verifying SME files (assumption: private key of the certificate is present!)
  • Administration Manager for Certificates in the Windows Certificate Database
  • Support of smart cards (certificate-based, EC card, KV card) and USB tokens for decryption
  • Neu The stability and performance of all software products has been achieved through numerous internal improvements and optimisations. ... All new features (version history)

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Verification and decryption Free add-on software for decrypting and verifying data

Awards for abylon READER All Awards

Software.Informer Test: abylon READER is 100% clean
Software.Informer Test: abylon READER is 100% clean

cnet.com FIVE STAR AWARD 2009
cnet.com FIVE STAR AWARD 2009

SharewareConnection.Com 5 Star Award
SharewareConnection.Com 5 Star Award

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3 Comments - » Enter comment directly

Avatar from trev #504

trev -  

I read this software would extract merssages from samsung sme file of sms text messages. I could not manage to geitit to happen. I now think it is not for this purpose at all. ok not your fault but I hasted a few hours as well,

Avatar of abylonsoft support #504


As already mentioned several times, the software is not for SME KIES-files. Unfortunately we don't have any information about how these files are encrypted, which is why we can't offer decryption. We also used the file extension SME first. The mobile phone company only introduced this years later.

Avatar from Chris #465

Chris -  

Hello Guys and Girls
First, the email address is real.
So...here we go! I did a Search Engine query to see what could read
Kies (Samsung Phone backup program) .sme backup file. You guys were
So, I went ahead and downloaded Abylon Reader v10 from CNet. I downloaded it to test it's ability to read the Kies3 .sme backup file.
I got it installed! I took 2 hours and a bottle of Wild Turkey... but I got it done!, LOL Juuust kidding!, LOL
The install went uneventfully. After the install I loaded it. I read the intro message about backing up the file before having
Abylon do it's thaaang!, lol...but I always do that anyway, but that was very thoughtful of you!... for dumb asses and newbs!
So, were was I ? Oh yeah...so I traversed the drive to the correct directory to the .sme file. I snuck up on it and right clicked on it to stun it's ass so I could quickly copy it before it knew what happened, LOL but...before I could traverse the Explorer context menu to "Copy". The context menu disappeared! I was like...WTF!
I backed out quickly by closing the Explorer window which gave me time to run over and grab my coffee. I needed to refuel! Once I refueled...I went back in! I followed the same acts to get back to the .sme file. Again, I right clicked on it the Explorer context menus appeared and the same shit happened.
Time for a smoke and re-evaluated the strategy of the mission! After the smoke I attempted 4 more missions. To no avail!
I knew what I needed to do...an extraction (uninstall) of the culprit from my machine. It went well and quickly...not like this fuckin' story, LOL
I regrouped and went back out into the jungles of the Net to locate your tribe and see if there was an updated version.
There was. It was version 17 for Windows 10. So I downloaded it. I let you know how that goes.
I hope you enjoyed the read.
Have a safe and Happy New Year Best Regards,

Avatar of abylonsoft support #465


Hi Chris,
we regret the time taken.

However, the software abylon READER is designed only for the SME files of our software. We have been using this file extension much longer than Samsung. Unfortunately, we have not yet received any specifications from Samsung for your gravel file to support this as well.

Should the gravel SME file be an encrypted file, the corresponding password would of course be required to open it.

Avatar from Grace #376

Grace -  

This freeware is very useful for decrypting the p7m files.

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