The secure online hash value generator from abylonsoft
This page calculates and displays various hash values of strings or files. A file can be uploaded or a free text can be entered. Also to check the validity of a password it is often stored as a hash value. At present the determined hash value is output according to the algorithms SHA1, SHA256m SHA512, MD5, RIPEMD160, WHIRLPOOL, TIGER128 and CRC32.
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File upload
Select a file from your computer and load it onto the server to determine its hash value.
CAUTION The file is loaded only for a short time in the temporary memory and is deleted again directly after forming the cross sums. Depending on the size of the file, this process may take longer. The page is only reloaded afterwards!
PLEASE NOTE: Currently, the size of the file is limited to 10 MB, as well as 3 files per user and day!
Text input
Here, a free text can be entered or inserted from the clipboard. This text is analyzed and the corresponding hash value is output afterwards.
Relevant software to hash values and process monitoring
Monitor and block processes and spy functions
Create and compare hash values (checksums)
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Comment on the hash value generator