Versionshistory abylon FREEHASH:
Aktualisierungen, Änderungen und Verbesserungen der Updates


In dieser Versionsübersicht werden alle Neuerungen, Verbesserungen und behobenen Fehler der Software abylon FREEHASH aufgelistet. (Link zur kompletten Versionshistory)

Icon-Info: = Neue Funktion, = Funktion entfällt, = Fehlerkorrektur oder Update

New version 25.10.6

2025-01-18: Numerous problems have been fixed in the minor update and a few more functions have been added.

The stability and performance of all software products has been achieved through numerous internal improvements and optimisations.

New version 24.10.0+3 and 2024.1+2

2024-02-18: The major annual update once again brought numerous internal improvements, GUI optimizations and cross-product improvements.

Problems with the installation of the "Mobile USB version" in the setup and in the software settings have been fixed.

In some of our applications (e.g. Logon, WLAN scanner, Keysafe, etc.) acoustic signals are emitted for certain actions. These have been optimized by using better sounds (sound files).

Numerous small bug fixes and optimizations.

Various changes to the GUI (graphical user interface).

When registering the software under a user with restricted user rights, admin rights can be requested via the new Run as admin button.

From this version onwards, the software supports sound files. A corresponding sound is emitted for certain actions (e.g. chip card events).

Problems with the simultaneous execution of our software in several user contexts have been resolved.

New version 23.60.3 and 2023.6

Various optimizations in handle management (allocate and share), as well as the window update in the progress bar in the File Explorer context.

Some virus scanners see problem copying the CG.Animations.DLL file to the Windows directory. This will be taken care of by the setup program in the future.

Problems with critical sections fixed!

New version 23.30.3 and 2023.4

2023-04-11: At the end of the major update, a few problems have been fixed and the speed is optimized once again.

All software products run more smoothly due to the revision of error handling (Critical Sections).

The function for reading out registy values has been revised so that foreign keys can also be determined.

The SubGauge progress bar did not show changes for large files.

The trace log functionality has been expanded.

Neue Version 23.10.3 und 2023.3

2023-03-16: This small update has fixed bugs and issues and added some small features!

The ability of our software products to run on Windows XP has been tested and enabled, as in the case of abylon LOGON Business.

The TRACE-LOG functionality would be revised and strongly supplemented!

Access problems of the .NET DLL for animated graphics were corrected.

New Version 23.10.1 and 2023.2

2023-03-09: In the new version, the speed in all applications could be increased through optimization. The program abylon APP-BLOCKER has also received many new features, such as Windows update and Windows Defender permanently disable.

For animated images a .NET component is needed. This is now initialized correctly, so that possible call problems are excluded.

By clicking on a column, all tables can be sorted chronologically.

By optimizing the function call, the performance of all apps could be increased significantly.

Problems in service connection and registry access were fixed.

The waiting dialog when starting the software is automatically closed after 5 seconds in case of a problem.

New version 22.60.6 and 2022.9

2022-11-23: Even though the version number has changed only slightly, numerous changes have been made in the last 6 months.

To avoid protection violations, the general startup dialog of our programs has been revised. This can be disabled in the registry under HKCU\Software\abylon\ by changing the value FWUSEWAITDLG from YES to NO.

The start dialog of the programs was further optimized and can be deactivated via the registry in case of problems (HKCU -> REG_SZ -> "FWUSEWAITDLG" = "NO")

New Version 22.60.x and 2022.5

2022-05-25: From this update to version 22.6 and 2022.5 all software programs of abylonsoft have benefited and received small or large additions.

Administration rights are no longer required to check whether a new update is available.

New Version 22.30.x and 2022.2

2022-02-25: Among other things, this update offers optimizations in the area of the GUI and the program start dialog. In addition, the software abylon LOCAL-USER was released for the first time.

Performance issues in the wait/start dialogs have been fixed and an animated wait squiggle has been implemented.

The automatic window adjustment under Windows 7 has been optimized.

Display the "Privatversion" output in the header.

New Version 22.00.1 and 2022.1

2022-01-22: The major update of all products includes various optimizations regarding stability and speed. Especially in the area of smart card support some innovations were implemented.

After registering our software, this is now displayed directly in the about dialog.

abylonsoft software requires in certain cases a so-called system context to execute actions. In this regard, the query has been extended so that this function also works without errors in languages besides German and English.

New Version 20.60.2 and 2021.10

2021-10-19: All software products were successfully tested under Win 11. In addition, there is now the possibility to support the software development via a donation!

Initial tests of our software products were successfully conducted on the new Windows 11 operating system from Microsoft.

Partially occurring "hang-ups" seem to be due to the waiting dialog. If not necessary, this has been removed.

The app for determining different cross sums (hash values) of files has received some improvements. Now the widely used hash method SHA512 is supported. In addition, some things have been optimized, such as function flow, icons and optics.

Häufig bieten wir unser Software über unsere Partner für Privatnutzer kostenlos an. Damit die Anwender trotzdem einen kleinen Beitrag für die Weiterentwicklung unserer Software leisten können, bieten wir nun eine Spendenseite in Zusammenarbeit mit PayPal an.

New Version 20.60.1

2021-07-15: As from this version, the software is available in Spanish and French as well. In addition, Windows accounts can be created directly in abylon LOGON Business.

The software products of abylonsoft are now offered in French and Spanish in addition to German and English. We would be very pleased about improvement and optimization hints for the translation.

The selection dialog should now default to folder documents rather than the program directory.

New version 20.30.6 and 2020.4

2021-04-19: Primarily, the April update fixes many internal problems and speeds up the execution.

New version 20.10.1(3) and 2020.2

2021-02-25: The major update again offers many innovations and improvements in numerous products and many functionalities.

All main dialogs got the Windows header again because there were problems with the individual header when moving, resizing, etc.

New version 19.10.3 and 2020.3

2020-03-07: In addition to minor and major optimizations, the new version offers new functionalities and increased speed.

All our modules can be switched into admin mode by the shield icon. Since this version the software can also be switched back to user mode. This is necessary for example, because Drag&Drop of files only works in the same context.

New Version 19.10.1 and 2020.1

The positioning and font output was corrected and standardized in all waiting dialogs.

To prevent problems with the registry dialog, it is now always placed in the front panel (TopMost). Now the registration dialog shouldn't slip into the background anymore when clicking on another window.

New software version 18.30.2

04.12.2019: Stability and speed improvement of the deletion, encryption and logon software and more!

Lost transfer value for the SHA256 hash value is now correctly transferred to the tool page "Process Info". Now the correct Virus-Total result is displayed

The files APM_LSMSNT32.DLL, APM_LSMSNT32x64.DLL, APMPNTSec.DLL and APMPNTSecX64.DLL are gone! This has no negative influence on the functionality, but accelerates the workflow

Performance problems after software reinstallation could be localized and fixed.

New software version 18.10.1 to 18.10.3 and 2019.4

2019-03-21: Numerous new features and improvements of the company software abylon LOGON Business and other software products

The superimposed admin icons have been removed from the settings dialog. If in the future a function is selected for which no sufficient rights exist, this is indicated in a message window.

The setup routines of the program are only started after the setup wizard is finished.

New Version 17.60.1 and 2018.12

2019-01-21: Various adjustments and optimizations of GUI and functions

In the application abylon FREEHASH some display problems would be solved.

The waiting dialog when starting the application is now displayed as a simple hexagon with program name

Negative window coordinates are now intercepted programmatically. In addition, the unpredictable jumping of the window during slicing would be prevented.

Negative window coordinates are now intercepted programmatically. In addition, the unpredictable jumping of the window during slicing would be prevented.

Drag&Drop operations over windows with different rights are now displayed with the no entry symbol. For example, no files from the File Explorer (user context) can be dragged into our dialogs if this was started with admin rights. This is also shown at the top of the dialog

New Version 17.30.5 and 17.30.6

2018-11-26: Various optimizations of all programs from abylonsoft

The problem with jumping windows was fixed.

New version 17.30.4

2018-10-18: New functionalities and optimizations of abylon LOGON Business

New versions 17.30.1 and 17.30.2

2018-07-02: Privacy policy, window resolution and for abylon LOGON Business optimization of account synchronization

The new privacy policy and license conditions are included with the software and can be opened via the menu

The size of the program windows can now be adjusted to the maximum width of large screens

New Version 17.10.2 and 2018.2

2018-05-05: Adaptation of the License Agreement to the new Data Protection Ordinance DSGVO

The license agreement was revised in German and English and adapted to the new data protection regulation DSGVO. The file is displayed in the setup and is attached to the program as a PDF file.

New Version 17.10.1 and 2018.2

2018-03-05: Many new features for abylon LOGON Business and abylon APP-BLOCKER

New Version 16.50.3 and 2017.9

2017-12-15: New software product abylon LOGON Business and general acceleration by optimized function call

Update and position problems with the progress bar have been fixed

A small window is displayed for tedious processes. This tells the user that something is still happening and that he has to wait a little longer.

A significant acceleration of the programs was achieved by optimizing the internal function calls

General error corrections

Internally the programs have been extended so that "InApp purchases" are possible in the future

Some windows have been standardized in color and design.

New Version 16.00.2

2017-02-07: Cloud Support, Tray Icon Conversion and SSO Optimization

The title bar of the dialogs About, Error, Question and Registry now has a specific product color for better differentiation.

New Version 2017.1

2017-01-18: Numerous optimizations and bug fixes of our apps

The apps are now also delivered in two different versions. For Windows XP, vista and 7, a setup created with Visual Studio 2008 is offered, which requires the .NET 3.5 framework. The setup for Windows 8 and 10 is created with Visual Studio 2015 and requires .NET 4.

The time calculation of progress indicators is now again displayed in the title bar.

With this freeware the registration dialog is no longer displayed

New Version 15.90.2

2016-12-19: Bug fixes, optimizations and special abylon FREEHASH improvements

The faulty deactivation of the icon Reset list has been fixed

For large files, the progress of the hash process is displayed in percent

When closing the Freehash window all running processes will be terminated now.

When adding files, the hash values are only calculated from the new files. This saves a lot of time

The SHA-256 value of files larger than 1 GB is now calculated correctly

The hashing process is now displayed so that it does not look like a "hang" for larger files

New Version 15.90.1

2016-11-19: Different versions with .NET 3.5 and 4, as well as optimization of the user interface and functions