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Declaration for UAC user account control
UAC is the abbreviation of User Aaccount Control and stands for a security technology, which was introduced by Microsoft starting from the operating system Vista. This is intended to restrict the rights of programs so that they cannot cause any damage. However, many applications require corresponding rights, e.g. to be able to access special directories or the registry. This means that administrators must also confirm a dialog as soon as a program requires corresponding administrative rights.
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Helpful under Windows 8 and 10! WARNING
The UAC confirmation dialog is still displayed for administrative calls!
With this special desktop icon programs can be called administratively without UAC confirmation dialog!
Only with activated service an administrative program can be started without UAC question dialog!
In this case, the program will start normally and the UAC question dialog must be confirmed!
NOTE See FAQ's (below) if not all symbols are displayed!
Almost comparable to disabled UAC)Corresponds to the Execute field in the Start menu. For example, when "cmd" is entered, opens the command dialog.
NOTE If the icon is not displayed, the behavior of this icon must be adjusted via "Adjust"!
Opens programs in administrative context without Windows security question dialog
It's correct that the UAC User Account Control can be easily disabled (see MicrosoftGuideline).
However, UAC is a security infrastructure of the Windows operating system. A complete deactivation leads to a reduced protection of the computer. If, however, the starting of programs takes place consciously with the software abylon UAC-GRABBER, one has furthermore the security by UAC and the comfort of the direct starting of programs without further inquiry.
The principle is that programs that are called via UAC-GRABBER no longer have to confirm the UAC dialog. To do this, the software reads the Windows start menu directory.
However, it is NOT the case that the programs displayed in the UAC-GRABBER dialog start automatically and in any case without UAC dialog.
To start a program without UAC prompt, proceed as follows:
Start Windows and wait until the tray icon of the UAC-GRABBER is displayed to the left of the clock (staghorn beetle on a yellow background). With the left mouse button a menu opens, which shows the Windows start menu. Then select the desired program icon, which starts with admin rights and without confirmation.
The software abylon UAC-GRABBER can only perform certain actions with admin rights. This includes adding and removing start menu entries as well as starting and stopping the service. If the software is called without admin rights, the corresponding icons are hidden.
How do I start the software abylon UAC-GRABBER with admin privileges?
Select the UAC-GRABBER icon
on the desktop or in the start menu and right-click the menu item Execute as administrator
There are three ways to manage the contained entries:
The icons are only displayed if the program was started with admin rights!Questions and Answers about the installation of software products from abylonsoft.
Usually, with abylonsoft software, the new version can be installed over the old version. This is also the case if the setup asks in advance and offers the uninstall option. If an over-installation for any reason is not possible, so you will be pointed out during installation. In this case no other option is offered.
Yes, because during the installation the software has to make some settings for which only the administrator has rights. So log in for the installation as an administrator or contact your responsible administrator.
Possible cause of error:
Updates in the same major version number are free. Updates to the next major version number are subject to an update fee. If you have any questions or problems with us you are welcome to contact us in Kontakt.
This is because when a new user is created, Windows first creates the registry and makes entries. Since our software also has to make registry entries, an operating system restart is required for proper operation.
.If this error occurs, you should manually download and install the setup from the download page. All settings of the previous version will be adopted.
General questions and answers about the software from abylonsoft.
We unfortunately had to realize that Microsoft has changed something since the end of the Windows 7 support. Since that time it seems to be necessary to install a so-called Redist-Pack of Microsoft Visual Studio. This was not necessary before, but now it seems to be absolutely necessary. Please download and install the Redist-Pack of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
Alternatively please use our contact form for further information! Please indicate the software version and operating system.
From version 19.1 or 2020.1 the appropriate Redist-Pack is delivered with the setup.
First of all, passive RFID tokens (chip cards or key fobs) need a magnetic field or high-frequency radio wave to be supplied with energy. This is usually done by the RFID card reader. The data integrity on the RFID token is not endangered by light magnetic or radio fields. The data is not likely to be erased, for example by a mobile phone, a magnet or a monitor. However, an electromagnetic interference source can lead to an impairment of the reading reliability.
Storing the RFID token in the same pocket as the mobile phone is no problem. In order not to disturb the reading process, the RFID card reader should be placed as far away from electromagnetic sources as possible! In a microwave, on the other hand, the RFID token is likely to be destroyed.
Tray-Icons are small buttons, which are displayed in the taskbar at the bottom right, next to the clock.
These icons are used to display information and call functions. In the preferences, Windows deactivates tray icons of programs so that they are not displayed for the time being. The following section describes how the settings for all or individual icons can be set.
NOTE The description is general. Depending on the program, you must select the appropriate tray icon. You can find this in the help or the FAQ's.
To the left of the clock, there is a small white arrow pointing upwards, which can be used to display the other tray icons.
With "Customize" you can define the behavior of the tray icons. The "Info Area Symbols" window opens.
NOTE Below are alternative ways to open this window.
In the settings window for info area symbols, you can define the behavior of each individual tray icon.
Select the corresponding icon and select "Show icon and notifications" as option. After that you will find the tray icon on the taskbar to the left of the clock at any time.
Alternatively, you can enable the option "Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar". In this case, the tray icons of future programs will also be displayed directly on the taskbar.
Move the mouse to a free area of the taskbar and press the right mouse button. Select Properties from the menu. The dialog for customizing the info area symbols opens on the Taskbar page via the "Customize" button.
As a further option, you can also open the Control Panel via the Start menu. Select "Large Icons" or "Small Icons" in the upper right corner. Now you can open the settings via the "Info Area Symbols" icon.
Because of errors in the operating system or other software, as well as the variety of the hardware used, apparently occurring errors and / or irregularities in the software of abylonsoft must not necessarily be justified in this software. This means that the interactions between our software and software / hardware from other manufacturers are so complex that they cannot be taken into account by us in all cases. Often errors / defects in other software (e.g. the operating system) also occur, which only become effective in combination with our software. These errors usually manifest themselves in a general protection violation or a system crash. For these reasons we subject our software to a very extensive test before release in order to reduce the problems and errors to a minimum.
Should you nevertheless become aware of a direct error in our software, we will correct it as soon as possible. So that we can understand the error / the problem, you should give us all the details:
Please use our support form support form!
for this purposeFor more see AGB's
Dear Sirs,
Today, I tried to install it.
Both Windows & Norton warned me not to do this ...
While I waved the warnings, the next thing I got was the UAC warning for your Installer: for some reason, rather than the regular blue UAC warning (for legit signed software), this was yellow (meaning the Installer was not signed!)
Obviously, at this stage I stopped the installation - I can hardly imagine installing a utility that affects security (overrides UAC) which is not vetted & signed by itself ...
Could you please check?
Thanks in advance for your prompt & effective attention to this matter,
Eric T.
Hi Eric,
our software products are signed, just with a self-signed certificate. However, I do not want to go into this subject again here. However, a self-signed certificate does not reduce the functionality of our software.
About the functionality of abylon UAC-GRABBER: The UAC function of Windows is not disabled or affected by our software! You can think of it that our software takes over the confirmation of the UAC dialog of desired applications.
After create desktop UAC with program1.exe another program start before (program2.exe) with UAC windows ???
NOTE: program 2 is an uninstall program (Soft Organizer)-\ clic NO in UAC windows (close program2.exe) follow program1.exe start with UAC windows
Hi Alain, Thank you very much for your inquiry. However, I cannot say what the problem is with you and how program 1 and program 2 are related. Could you send me some more information. Maybe some screenshots.
I'd like to launch a program with arguments and with administrative privileges, without UAC permission dialog box.
Here an example
C:\Program Files (x86)\R-Wipe & Clean\RwcRun.exe /t "TEST1"
Is it possible?
To achieve this, you should create a link from the program. Then, you can add the parameters in the shortcut via Properties (right mouse button -> Properties). This shortcut will now be added to the program UAC-Grabber via Drafg&Drop or the Plus-Icon, e.g. in the Autostart folder.
Otherwise, I am not sure if the parameters can be added to the desktop shortcut created by our software via Properties. Would be worth a test.
My pinned taskbar icons disappeared. They are still in the correct folder. C:\Users\[User name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar
We have no influence on the pinned desktop icons. We do not make any changes in this regard. Sorry
I just downloaded the free grabber app. I didn't see any option to enter the license and worse yet, the landing page appears for a fraction of a second and immediately disappears
Plse let me know what to do
For free or reduced deals, please always directly consult our partners, in this case to BitsDuJour.
if this is so, this program is totally useless! The desktop link with admin rights does not work! And even this solution is not satisfactory! Too much hassle!! It is much much easier to simply click on regular icon e accept the UAC.
Yes, to start the program without confirmation question with UAC enabled, the corresponding program must be called by our software. This is otherwise technically impossible.
Suggestions for improvement are always welcome. The idea with the context menu, we will discuss.
I bought a multi install version threw BitsduJour. Program works fine on my desktop installation. It read all of the local exes and/or I could adjust to what I needed to do.
I installed on my laptop, same version of Windows 10, and the program 'reluctantly' installed one short cut. It will not install others and while it read in a large number of exes it has not read in the applications for the programs I use to program software - Clarion from SoftVelocity - two separate versions. Thoughts?
The cause of the problem can be manifold.
I have "Rick" written a few suggestions. Afterwards he worked out a solution. Here is his answer:
Quote Rick:
[i]" Problem solved. I finally figured out how to work with the software.
Additionally, on the laptop, the UAC Grabber had read in the EXEs for the development software I thought was missing, and quite a few others, but had placed the links under an entirely different folder in the screen display.
Once I found them I could create the shortcuts I needed. Antivirus, etc., was never an issue.
You need to write or have written for you, better and more complete instructions for getting started with UAC Grabber. It took quite a bit of trial and lots of error to figure out how to use it. Despite what you might think, the existing help is rudimentary and does not begin to explain the process that's needed. "[/i]
Thank you very much
I downloaded and installed the UAC software from a giveway site a few weeks ago but it keeps asking me for a restration code. Whats the deal?
Hi Tom,
the easiest way to obtain the necessary registration information is about the registration dialog in the software. Simply click on the "Shop" or the "Register Now" link and then the appropriate registration page appears. Alternatively, the page can be accessed via this link below. Please be sure to select the correct software promotion. And consider that the created registration data is only valid for the setup of the software promotion and not for download on our server.
For general comments, please use our Comments Form!