In the lexicon or glossary explains abylonsoft topics of general interest around the offered software products, computers and technology. The column with the letter E contains 2 entries, like for example Encrypting.
Bei ETSI/GSM 11.11 handelt es sich um einen Standard für das digitale Mobilfunknetz GSM (D-Netz).
see also: Asymmetric encryption Symmetric encryption Encrypting Privater Schlüssel (Private Key)
Encrypt" or "encode" is the process by which data (e.g. text, images, etc.) is modified in such a way that an unauthorized viewer cannot read the data or access the content from it. A distinction is made between symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Access to the original data is only possible with the correct key.
see also: Asymmetric encryption Symmetric encryption Password Geheimer Schlüssel
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