Glossary / Lexicon from abylonsoft

Definitions of terms

In the lexicon or glossary explains abylonsoft topics of general interest around the offered software products, computers and technology. The column with the letter O contains 2 entries, like for example One Time Pad.

Column O 2 entries

One Time Pad

With this type of encryption, the data is linked to a key of the same length by a simple addition (modulo 26). The key is generated by a random generator and used only once. This makes this procedure absolutely secure. The only problem is to find a really random source for the key for large amounts of data. In addition, the key is the same size as the text to be encrypted, which doubles the amount of data transferred. Therefore, this method is usually only used for small amounts of data.

see also: Symmetric encryption Secret


As the terms "operating system" suggest, these are software programs which operate a system. The operating system serves, so to speak, as an interface between hardware and the user and is intended to enable convenient and error-free operation. Nowadays more and more devices have a processor to process data:

  • Personal Computer (Desktop or Laptop)
  • Mobile phone or tablet
  • Server or mainframe
  • Embedded systems, such as washing machines, DVD players, routers or processor chip cards

Each of these devices requires an operating system to control the devices, manage and monitor incoming and outgoing data. A large number of special operating systems are used for the different areas of application. This can be as slim as on a processor chip card or as complex as on a mainframe computer. For processor chip cards, for example, the operating systems ACOS, TCOS, STARCOS or MFC (selection) are to be named.

The much better known operating systems are DOS, Windows from Microsoft, macOS from Apple, the free operating system from Linux with various distributions and iOS or Android for mobile phones and tablets.

Historical development of Windows

In the early days of personal computers, they were operated with a pure, text-based operating system such as DOS. Besides Apple, Microsoft developed a graphical user interface called Windows. This used DOS as a platform and enabled DOS programs to be executed in a runtime environment. Windows 3 (since 1990) was the first successful operating system from Microsoft and was based on a 16-bit technology.

With time, the 32-bit architecture of personal computers became more and more accepted, whereby Microsoft focused on their development. At first, the DOS product line with Windows 95, 98 and Me and the NT product line with Windows NT and 2000 were offered in parallel. From Windows XP (2001) Microsoft united the consumer and enterprise operating systems. The individual server versions, Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 followed. Each operating system has its proponents and opponents and is also very differently successful. Although support for Windows XP has been discontinued since 2014, XP is still in use on many computers. Support for Windows 7 is also due to expire in 2020. Nevertheless, for various reasons, many users still use older Windows operating systems.

With more or less questionable actions, Microsoft wants to motivate as many users as possible to use the current operating system Windows 10. On our partner page apm24 Computerhilfe Seibersbach we have written a decision guide for Pro and Contra Windows 10 (german language). There you will also find further information about the Windows operating system and its security.

see also: Windowsanmeldung Processor Chipcards

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