abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER Current Version: 2025.1

The Wi-Fi connection tool scans for open wireless networks and automatically connects the PC to the Internet (Product group: Apps & Tools)

If you do not have an Internet flatrate, searching for a free hotspot or public Internet access outside your own four walls can be time-consuming and annoying. The Windows functionality is far too sluggish and quickly becomes confusing due to the intermediate storage of wireless networks. The software abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER checks at regular intervals for real available Wi-Fi networks and lists them in a clear tree structure. In addition to the network name (SSID), the connection status, network type, encryption algorithm and signal strength in percent are also displayed. Starting with Windows Vista, the connection to the selected network is established if the access is free, public or already known. The software abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER also takes over the individual PC settings, if these are necessary. This allows even technically less experienced users in a foreign city to connect to the Internet.

Supported operating systems: 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 32-Bit, 64-Bit
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  • Searches for Wi-Fi networks and hotspots in range
  • Optional configuration of your own computer for Internet access
  • Displays network name (SSID), connection status, network type, and encryption algorithm (if any)
  • Display of WLAN signal strength in percent
  • Scan rhythm freely selectable (from 2 seconds)
  • Neu In some of our applications (e.g. Logon, WLAN scanner, Keysafe, etc.) acoustic signals are emitted for certain actions. These have been optimized by ... All new features (version history)

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Wi-Fi connection tool Lists WiFi networks and finds free hotspots or public access

Screenshot of abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER

Screenshots of abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER

Additional value of abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER compared to the normal Windows WLAN Manager ?

1. Clarity

The software abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER was developed primarily for use on vacation and travel to find free access points with Internet quickly and easily. The Windows WLAN Manager shows all available WLAN networks (free and encrypted) in an unsorted and confusing list. In a normal city, more than 20 WLAN networks are usually displayed at the same time. These must be searched manually and checked for free access points. In the time Windows often brings an update, which changes the list again fundamentally and one may search from new ones. This way it is hardly possible to search for free internet access points outdoors. In contrast, the abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER can only display the unencrypted WLAN network.

2. Manual blanking

Many free Internet access points also require a browser-based login before they can be used. Every region (country, city, etc.), every chain of shops (restaurants, cafés, etc.) or telecommunication providers (Telekom, Vodafon, etc.) want an individual registration, which is hardly possible when on holiday or travelling. It is an enormous expenditure of time to first register at the destination, perhaps to be able to use the access. The abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER checks directly in advance, whether the network requires an internal login or whether the Internet can be used directly. For clarity, however, log-in required but "free" access points can be permanently hidden, which increases the overview even more.

3. Automatic configuration

In some cases the home network with its TCP/IP configuration differs from the holiday network. For example, you have a static IP assignment at home and dynamic on the road or vice versa. The IP pool differs or other DNS servers are necessary. Optionally the abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER can find the TCP/IP configuration of the local network temporarily for a session automatically and thus provide the Internet to the user even without technical knowledge.

4. Speed

The Windows WLAN Manager scans for WLAN networks at very rough time intervals (minutes). So in the mobile case it almost always happens that the list of displayed WLAN networks under Windows is no longer accessible and therefore useless. With the abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER you can get a current list in less than 5 seconds on foot or with a slow moving car. In this time the networks are also checked for internet capability and optionally a direct connection is established. In this context the internet availability is also displayed directly. This procedure is simply impossible with the Windows WLAN Manager.

Significant difference between abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER and WLAN scanner of third party suppliers?

Before the development of the abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER we tested a lot of other Apps in this segment. These tools offer extensive analysis and a lot of technical information about the wireless networks, which are simply uninteresting for the "normal" user. The user wants to find and use a free network quickly and clearly on the road. None of the third-party programs tested could map this primary function. Most of the apps had so much frills that you couldn't see the wood for the trees. Absolutely useless for practical use.

The abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER is reduced in its function to the essential:

  • Rapid search
  • clarity
  • and secure connection

Is the abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER a tool for hacking foreign networks?

No - it does not provide more or less information or functions like the normal Windows WLAN Manager. But the information is displayed much faster and more transparent and the functions are automated to a large extent. There is also no password attack on foreign routers by exploiting standard passwords or router vulnerabilities.

Unlike in Germany, free WLAN access without registration is something normal in foreign countries (holiday areas). As a traveller, all you need is a good tool to find and use these legal, free access points. This is what the abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER is designed for. With the current mobile data tariffs for Germans, especially abroad, it is easy and free to surf and exchange data with home.

In 2016, the relaxation of free WLAN access points in Germany has unfortunately fallen by the wayside due to the interference liability and the content industry. This year (2017), the EU once again demanded a new version of the law from Germany, which would enable simple, nationwide WLAN use for everyone. For this purpose, internal registration should be dispensed with, so that users can use free WLAN networks nationwide. Even now there are already many business chains and private groups (free radio operators) that provide free Internet via WLAN for everyone without registration. The abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER is only one tool in the jungle of urban WLAN points to find the free access.

Awards for abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER All Awards

Windows8downloads.com: FIVE STARS
Windows8downloads.com: FIVE STARS

Test: Windows 8 kompatibel
Test: Windows 8 kompatibel

Das beste Programm: abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER
Das beste Programm: abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER

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Avatar from ze mane da silva #1053

ze mane da silva -  

It's very easy to post your message in a site that is not yours, promote the app and then never send the registration, but always asking for the registration. You want my opinion about your software? It does NOT work since I've never received the registration. Please don't send any registrations, nor download links, since I've uninstalled your program.

Avatar of abylonsoft support #1053


Hi ze mane da silva!
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, due to the lack of information, I can not say what your problem is. It is always easy to say that the software does not work. It would be helpful to know what is not working? By the way, our software can be tested in full for 30 days.
If you have not received your registration data (for example, with free covermounts), could you imagine that this is due to you? Have you tested your spam folder or perhaps entered the email address incorrectly?
There are many reasons and options. But it is so easy to just blame the software or the provider.
For such case several uncomplicated contact options are offered. But bitching is much easier!

Avatar from Stefan  #1049

Stefan -  

In These days with the growth of hacker, black or grey hackers. Your must scan your network all the time as much as of your internal net. So you’re had nothing else to do to go along. It could be a difficulty thing if the hacker already are inside and trying to solve some password. I think you must put people to have this tracking the system so users that should be “on the toe's” all the time, it cost a lot to have some information leak.

Avatar of abylonsoft support #1049


Hi Stefan! Thank you very much for your comment.

Avatar from jadevtha #924

jadevtha -  

Would love to try the app. get this from shareware on sale which is great tool!

Avatar from Bruns / Maik #922

Bruns / Maik -  

Bald ist Sommer und hiermit kann man sich frei bewegen

Avatar from Junior #920

Junior -  

dejame entender algo, ustedes estan vendiendo un software solo porque te dice que tipo de conexión es y las lista por nombre de ssid, ya eso es todo? quien seria tan estupido por pagar por esto en el 2023?

Avatar of abylonsoft support #920


Quizá deberías leer la descripción. La cuestión es que el software establece una conexión wifi rápidamente.

Avatar from Abhinav Bagla #919

Abhinav Bagla -  

thx for the software

Avatar from Francisco Cesar #913

Francisco Cesar -  

Thank you, and Success!

Avatar of abylonsoft support #913


Thank you very much and good luck with our software.

Avatar from toryb #906

toryb -  

i liked u r prouduct

Avatar from Shady #903

Shady -  

Thank you. Hard work of the developers appreciated.

Avatar from Veronica Bergman #899

Veronica Bergman -  

I have been waiting to the registration data but have not yet received the license for registration of WLAN LIVE SCANNER 2023 from SoS

Avatar of abylonsoft support #899


The registration data will be sent by email. Please check your spam folder. Also, make sure that the email address you use is correct.

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