In the lexicon or glossary explains abylonsoft topics of general interest around the offered software products, computers and technology. The column with the letter D contains 10 entries, like for example DES.
The symmetric encryption method DES (Data Encryption Standard) encrypted with a 56 bit key by swapping and replacing single bits in 16 passes. In the meantime DES is no longer considered secure. The 3DES (TripelDES) procedure was introduced to further meet the increased security requirements. The difference is that the key strength has been increased from 56bit (DES) to 112bit (2DES) and 168bit (3DES) respectively. Due to its speed, DES is very well suited for online encryption (e.g. in Internet banking). The payment system SET, the e-mail encryption S/MIME and sometimes also SSL work or worked on the basis of DES! Nowadays, the newer AES encryption method is usually used.
DSS is the abbreviation for Ddigital Signature Sstandard and designates an asymmetric encryption procedure.
see also: Asymmetric encryption
The amount of data continues to increase. For this reason it is helpful to compress the data using the widely used ZIP standard. The abylonsoft software supports this standard to reduce the amount of disk space required.
see also: Small PKI PKI Certificate
Since May 2018, the European Data Protection Basic Regulation (DSGVO) has been in force. This Regulation harmonises the protection of personal data in the European Union (EU). It protects the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons. The Basic Data Protection Regulation applies to all companies and institutions that process personal data within the scope of their activities. This also applies, for example, to associations, medical practices or web shops. If more than 10 persons can access the personal data, a data protection officer must be convened.
In addition to transparency for the customer and minimization of the data volume, it is especially important that unauthorized persons do not have access to the data. In this regard, personal data should be protected against unauthorized access by encryption. If computers are used in a salesroom or doctor's office, theoretically a customer or patient can gain access to sensitive data. In this case, it is important to ensure that the computer is protected by a good password and is always locked when absent. Helpful in such a case a so-called hardware key which is offered by the software abylon LOGON or abylon LOGON Business.
see also: Authentication Cryptography Access Control
When decrypting or decoding, the encrypted file is converted back into readable text. This also applies to images or any other digital files. In the case of symmetric encryption, a key in the form of a password or individual token is required, which is identical to the encryption password. With asymmetric encryption, the corresponding private key is used for decryption, which is not the same as the public key and is part of a certificate.
see also: Asymmetric encryption Symmetric encryption Encrypting Privater Schlüssel (Private Key)
Diffie-Hellmann (DH) is a key exchange protocol. It was developed in 1976 by Whitfield Diffie and Martin E. Hellman develops and serves for the secure exchange of keys (public and private keys). The key length at DH varies from 512 to 8192 bits.
see also: Asymmetric encryption
A digital envelope is the electronic counterpart of a normal letter. The first step is to sign the data that resembles the signature on the letter. Inserting an envelope ultimately corresponds to encrypting the signed data. Now you can send the data via insecure channels (Internet, e-mail) without being afraid. The recipient now needs the right key to decrypt the data again. By checking the signature, the recipient is also sure that the data has not been altered on the way and that it comes from the correct sender.
A normal, unencrypted e-mail would correspond in everyday life to an open postcard that wanders unprotected through the worldwide data network. Each somewhat experienced user can intercept these and read, like the postman a postcard.
see also: Asymmetric encryption Hash valü Signature Encrypting
The DoD method is a standardized method for deleting data from the hard disk to prevent unwanted recovery. The DoD method overwrites the data in the order of binary zeros, binary ones and random numbers. With the DOD II method, the DOD method is used twice, overwriting the data a total of 6 times. These delete methods are used with the products of abylonsoft.
see also: Asymmetric encryption Hash valü
driver is the short form of device driver. The driver is a software program, usually from the hardware manufacturer. The driver creates a uniform interface between the operating system of the computer and the connected hardware, which exchanges control signals and data. Alternatively, a driver can also control a virtual device.
see also: Autostart Process list Service
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