Glossary / Lexicon from abylonsoft

Definitions of terms

In the lexicon or glossary explains abylonsoft topics of general interest around the offered software products, computers and technology. The column with the letter H contains 4 entries, like for example Hash-function.

Column H 4 entries


The certificate-based HYBRID system is based on the PKCS standards of RSA and is especially suitable for companies. An X.509 certificate is required for encryption. This can be a software certificate or a certificate on an external token (smart card, USB token). The advantage of the HYBRID system is the possibility to select several certificates in order to define and administer the authorizations for several users. The use of LDAP, PKI and a revocation list is possible. In addition, no separate transmission of the password is required for encrypted data exchange. The HYBRID system can be used for different Crypt objects (abylon KEYSAFE, abylon CRYPTDRIVE, abylon SHAREDDRIVE), as well as for the encryption of single files and data exchange.

see also: SYMM-System Asymmetrisch Verschlüsselung PKCS RSA X.509 Certificates


By means of the hash function, uniformly long and almost unambiguous values are generated from data sets of different size. The result (hash value) usually has a unique length, which cannot be calculated back to the initial value. Hash methods are used, for example, in data transmission to avoid transmission errors, in cryptography for unique identification and in databases. In German, the hash function is also referred to as the scatter value function.

see also: Verschlüsselung Hash valü Cryptography

Hash valü

In the case of the so-called 'Hashen', a kind of \"checksum\" is formed over the data. Depending on the hashing method, the result is a fixed length result (e.g. 160 bits), regardless of whether the initial data is 1 KB or 1 MB in size. This hash result is comparable to a fingerprint of the data. If a character in the file (e.g. Word document) is changed, a new hash value is obtained. The hash value can be used to determine whether, for example, the data was changed during a transfer. On the other hand, the hash value cannot be used to determine the content of the data, since different data can have the same hash value (e.g. checksums of 16, 25 and 34 are all 7). With a length of 160 bits, however, it is almost impossible to deduce the original data.

Previous hash methods:

  • MD5 (Message Digest) -> 128 Bit
  • SHS/SHA (Secure Hash Standard/Algorithm) -> 160 Bit

Good hash procedures are characterized by a low probability of collisions, low memory requirements, large chaos and rapid computability of the keys.

see also: Verschlüsselung Hash-function

Hybrid method

The hybrid method is a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

see also: Asymmetrisch Verschlüsselung HYBRID-System Symmetric encryption

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