Download abylon SHREDDER

Full deletion of files, drives, free space and Internet traces

Current version: 25.10.1 from 2024-11-27
Available for Windows: 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 32-Bit, 64-Bit

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Recommended setup
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Setups offered

NET 4.0-Setup for Windows 8, 10 and 11

File: shredder.exe (Größe: 53,04 MB)
.NET 4.0 Version: Info about the version selection
SHA256 hash value: 08FA3F4FE71D2FDAFB80E27931329F811D130425502E1619411790A0D982B015
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NET 3.5-Setup for Windows XP up to 7

File: vc2008_shredder.exe (Größe: 29,64 MB)
.NET 3.5 Version: Info about the version selection
SHA256 hash value: 11ADFAE9CE9DD432073EC68DB976EBA96B5A621E7FF67BBD0BA30594B91FDD9C
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*) The software abylon SHREDDER can be downloaded from our server without obligation and used without restriction for 30 days. There are no hidden costs with the download and you enter into no obligations.
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Alternative Download (Mirror)

abylon SHREDDER, Download from Heise

Download previous versions

Here you can download earlier versions of our software abylon SHREDDER (Info about version selection)

Additional information, whitepapers and documents

Data sheet (Secure data deletion - 519,48 KB)
Use of a removable disk (Secure data deletion - 3100,15 KB)