This RSS feed publishes news and information about abylonsoft and their products. Published are for example:
abylonsoft software development presents the Major Update 2025 with improvements in performance and stability. A highlight is the new abylon SCREENSAFER, a slideshow screensaver for personal images. The free version offers basic features, while the paid version includes advanced transitions and a favorites mode.
The Major Update 2025 brings numerous optimizations for existing products:
All updates on our software products and apps are listed in the version history:
The annual major update has finally been released. The long wait will be worth it for our customers. We were able to significantly increase the stability and speed in all apps through code optimization and thus provide a positive user experience. With this, our programs run smoother, despite Windows and .NET. Functional highlights of this major update are for example:
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Numerous new features, such as Windows Update and Windows Defender permanently disable.
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Reset the DNS cache of visited websites
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Extension of the AntiSpy functions
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Permanent disabling of Windows-Update and Windows-Defender
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Changes made will be reset on uninstallation
- abylon SHREDDER: Search for files with identical file name without considering the content
- General: Speed increase by optimized function call
- General: Several bug fixes, e.g. for animated graphics, registry calls, wait dialog, lists, counters etc.
And many other small optimizations and improvements in all programs and apps from abylonsoft.
The new software abylon LOCAL-USER enables the simple creation of local Windows user accounts, whereby user name and password are freely definable. The local user accounts can be used in the workgroup and domain environment. Private users with workgroup computers can use our tool free of charge. Companies in the domain environment are charged a small fee.
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