News from abylonsoft

Information, updates and offers

This RSS feed publishes news and information about abylonsoft and their products. Published are for example:

  • Company information
  • News and updates about the software
  • discount offers and special offers
  • Hardware Offers
  • Interesting information on the homepage and partner pages

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RSS-Feeds to category SHREDDER

Info graphic RSS feed: Major update 2023 from abylonsoft

Major update 2023 from abylonsoft RSS-Feed von 03.03.2023

The annual major update has finally been released. The long wait will be worth it for our customers. We were able to significantly increase the stability and speed in all apps through code optimization and thus provide a positive user experience. With this, our programs run smoother, despite Windows and .NET. Functional highlights of this major update are for example:

- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Numerous new features, such as Windows Update and Windows Defender permanently disable.
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Reset the DNS cache of visited websites
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Extension of the AntiSpy functions
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Permanent disabling of Windows-Update and Windows-Defender
- abylon APP-BLOCKER: Changes made will be reset on uninstallation
- abylon SHREDDER: Search for files with identical file name without considering the content
- General: Speed increase by optimized function call
- General: Several bug fixes, e.g. for animated graphics, registry calls, wait dialog, lists, counters etc.

And many other small optimizations and improvements in all programs and apps from abylonsoft.

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Info graphic RSS feed: Windows 11 ready

Windows 11 ready RSS-Feed von 25.10.2021

With Windows 11 Microsoft has released a new version of its operating system. The first test of the abylonsoft software in the version 20.60.2 and 2021.10 under the new Windows version was successful. Thereby no problems occurred during the installations of our software. This test is still preliminary, but we hereby release our software products for Windows 11.


With the new version 20.60.2 and 2021.10, we have incorporated the following new features:

  • abylon SELFCERT now offers the SHA256 and SHA512 hash algorithm.
  • Among several optimizations, abylon FREEHASH now supports SHA512.
  • abylon LOGON-BUSINESS does not need to be activated on the server. In addition, the lock dialog can be canceled and a synchronization problem has been fixed.
  • The password scrambler can be disabled again.
  • Display problems in abylon FILECOPY has been fixed.
Info graphic RSS feed: New Version 20.x and 2021

New Version 20.x and 2021 RSS-Feed von 14.02.2021

Corona keeps us far under its spell and stops daily life in many areas. But the software from abylonsoft is constantly being developed further and is now also receiving a major update in 2021. The following is just a selection of the improvements:

- CRYPTDRIVE: Open cryptdrives can now be closed again via the desktop icon.

- PASSWORD DIALOGUE: New icons for on-screen keyboard and password obfuscation.

- TRAY-ICON: The software intercepts the double start of the tray icon.

- SHREDDER: Problems leading to a question dialogue are now collected and displayed at the end of the shredding process.

- SYNC-COPY: The synchronization process has been speedup considerably, as renamed files and directories are no longer copied.

- KEYSAFE: The cache system has been revised.

- LOGON: The selection dialogue for multiple valid hardware keys is now intelligent and selects the last used key as default.

In addition, numerous bugs and problems were fixed and the functionality under restricted Windows rights was tested and optimized.

Info graphic RSS feed: Major update to version 19.x and 2020

Major update to version 19.x and 2020 RSS-Feed von 10.03.2020

The major update to version 19.x and 2020 will take place in February 2020, and we have now added a minor update in March. Besides the general speed optimization, all products have received interesting improvements. To mention:

- APP-BLOCKER: Permanent deactivation of blocked services

- KEYSAFE: Copy password with one click in the clipboard

- LOGON: Prevents the disappearance of the logon login window

- CRYPTDRIVE: Reliable locking of encrypted drives

- SHAREDDRIVE: New possibility to create an empty file and add complete directories

- UAC-GRABBER: Simply remove and add entries

- SHREDDER: Add your own files and directories to the job list.

All programs now offer the possibility to switch to admin mode and back. In addition, the registration dialog now always remains in the foreground and much more.


Info graphic RSS feed: Christmas time = surprise time

Christmas time = surprise time RSS-Feed von 09.12.2019

We use the Christmas season to update our software products. In December 2019 the software developers from Soonwald will release one product after the other in version 18.30.2 or 2019.12. Look forward to new features, bug fixes and other improvements:

  • abylon SHREDDER: Faster and clearly more reliable deletion, also of system files.
  • abylon LOGON, abylon LOGON SSO Pro und abylon LOGON Business: Some optimizations in the operation and accelerated card access with known RFID or processor chip cards (On request new cards can be added!).
  • more products to follow soon...
Info graphic RSS feed: New Version 17.60.1 and 2018.12

New Version 17.60.1 and 2018.12 RSS-Feed von 21.01.2019

With the version update to 17.60.1 and 2018.12 abylonsoft has donated various adjustments and optimizations of the program interface and functions to its programs. For example, a hexagonal window with program name shows the start of the programs or the settings dialog can no longer open without admin rights. In addition, some unused or problematic functions have been removed.

Info graphic RSS feed: New software version 15.90.1 of abylonsoft released

New software version 15.90.1 of abylonsoft released RSS-Feed von 27.11.2016

With exception of the software apps abylonsoft has published all programs in the version 15.90.1. Beside small optimizations and error corrections the program windows and dialogs were optically ürevised. Thereby all control elements moved as far as possible into the upper area. In the head bar on the left side there is the menu behind the familiar three bars. On the right side, frequently used buttons are displayed, such as for closing and minimizing the window or for switching to administrator mode.

Additionally 2 versions of our software products will be offered in the future. The functional range is identical for both setups, but one version is optimized for Windows up to 7 and the other version from Windows 8. The reasons and the corresponding download links will be published shortly on the homepage.

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Info graphic RSS feed: Major update of 3 software products

Major update of 3 software products RSS-Feed von 22.02.2016

In the course of the conversion to the development environment Visual Studio 2015 we have fundamentally revised the products abylon SHREDDER, abylon CRYPTDRIVE and abylon ENTERPRISE. Thereby numerous smaller and bigger problems could be solved. With version 15, encrypted Cryptdrive's can now also be used again under Windows 10, without these being automatically closed by the operating system. With the software abylon SHREDDER errors in the functions "trash", "duplicate finder" and "drives scanning" could be eliminated. Besides with the Firefox browser the stored passwords are removedürter endgültig.

An update discount of 80% can only be claimed for a short time. The voucher code of version 14 is the 3rd block of the registration key.

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Info graphic RSS feed: New Version abylon SHREDDER cleans up Microsoft Edge Tracks

New Version abylon SHREDDER cleans up Microsoft Edge Tracks RSS-Feed von 14.10.2015

The software products abylon SREDDER and abylon ENTERPRISE will be released in version 14.30.1. The functionality was "cleaned" Internet tracks" revised and supplemented. From this version, the browser Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 is also supported. As with the previously supported browsers Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome, history, cookies, cache etc. can now also be deleted. In order to prevent the tracking and evaluation of behavior, the cleaning of the Internet traces was supplemented by further files and folders. EverCookies are also irrevocably deleted. As a further optimization, the deletion of used files was optimized. Now locked files can be deleted in the vast majority of cases.

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7 Tips for updating the software from abylonsoft RSS-Feed von 06.09.2015

In the manual we show 7 tips around the registration of the software products of abylonsoft. It shows how to check if an update is available and how to perform the installation and registration. Additionally it is described how the coupon code for a discounted update can be determined and how much discount is possible depending on the software product and version.

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